Peace Out Cleaning Aisle

Peace out cleaning aisle I never have to visit again because I’ve got my 🌱. We have got rid of nearly every cleaning chemical in our home and replaced it with Thieves Cleaner. 
You know how when you clean the bath tub with chemicals and then you take a bath later that night and you think...wait...are all these chemicals getting into my skin? It smells weird. I feel weird. THEY ARE. They are getting into your skin and into you bloodstream. (SCARY)
But with plants, you don’t have to be scurd!
One simple way to get on a cleaner path is to get some Thieves Cleaner in your life. 

Learn more about Thieves Cleaner here:

Adrenal Fatigue

Let’s talk about adrenal fatigue.
When you’re stressed, your whole body feels it. And if you listen, you’re body is trying to tell you something. 
It’s hard to not be stressed in today’s world. Hello constant social media, businesses to run, babies to raise, bodies to feed and not to mention drinking enough water and exercising.
How can we do it all?
Well, one, give yourself g r a c e.
It’s okay if you missed your run for a day, chose a potato chip over a kale chip or said the mean thought out loud every once in awhile.
Give your body r e s t.
I feel like this word is getting talked about more. And I LOVE IT. Finally, we are realizing we can’t do it all in a matter of 24 hrs. It’s okay if you leave a couple things on your to do list for the next day and sit on the couch and read your book for an hour.
Give your body what it needs.
Nutrition + supplementation + oils included. I feel more like my healthy self, the JamieLee I want to be, when I regularly use Endoflex. This oils helps to support adrenal glands, increase energy, increase liver function and supports the pancreas. Aka: the POWERHOUSE. 

When your adrenal glands are exhausted, they are unable to produce adequate amount of hormones due to stress. When your adrenal glands are exhausted, your exhausted. 

Treat your body well, it’s the only one you get.


Hi! This week I am breaking down Young Livings Premium Starter Kit (PSK) into easy-to use steps. The PSK is how I started and fell in love with oils. It is such an amazing way to start your wellness journey and the best way to get started with using essential oils. If you are just starting, welcome! Search PSK and make sure you catch up on all the posts. Please reach out to me if you have any questions or want to get started!


PanAway: PanAway is a perfect companion after a workout, or a lifesaver for those days that you’ve overexerted yourself physically. This blend of Wintergreen, Helichrysum, Clove, and Peppermint essential oils can be used in a massage to help ease muscle discomfort. This oil might just become your best friend (you know it's mine).- mix with Peppermint, Valor, Lemongrass, and coconut oil for a soothing muscle cream.

  • mix with V6 Vegetable Oil in a roller bottle to take on the go or put in your workout bag.

  • Add massage or bring with when you go get your next massage!

  • Always have with you if you work at a desk

  • Bring withy you on hikes for when those calves start to hurt



Hi! This week I am breaking down Young Livings Premium Starter Kit (PSK) into easy-to use steps. The PSK is how I started and fell in love with oils. It is such an amazing way to start your wellness journey and the best way to get started with using essential oils. If you are just starting, welcome! Search PSK and make sure you catch up on all the posts. Please reach out to me if you have any questions or want to get started!

Lavender: often called "The Swiss Army Knife” of essential oils, Lavender is one oil you will likely find yourself reaching for often. Just a drop may help soothe minor skin abrasions, a swipe along the inside cheek may help bring relief for seasonal discomfort, and a drop in a new tube of mascara can result in fuller, longer eyelashes! Lavender can also be used for the following things:

  • combine Lavender with coconut oil to support dry or cracked skin.

  • make homemade play-dough with Lavender to help calm your children.

  • Lavender lemonade is delicious and may help reduce feelings of anxiousness.

  • Add to face lotion to help skin apperance

  • Apply after you burned and/or cut yourself

Peppermint Vitality

Hi! This week I am breaking down Young Livings Premium Starter Kit (PSK) into easy-to use steps. The PSK is how I started and fell in love with oils. It is such an amazing way to start your wellness journey and the best way to get started with using essential oils. If you are just starting, welcome! Search PSK and make sure you catch up on all the posts. Please reach out to me if you have any questions or want to get started!

Peppermint Vitality: this is one of the oils that I will never find myself without. I use it to support healthy digestion, as part of the weight management trio, and even to flavor a box of brownies (so good). Its invigorating scent is useful in a variety of situations. Look at some of these other uses for Peppermint:

  • add a drop of Peppermint Vitality and a drop of Lemon Vitality to a glass of water for your morning pick-me-up.

  • rub a drop over your heart and on your stomach to help relieve digestive discomfort and support healthy digestion.

  • add a drop to your water while studying and again during tests to stay alert.

Sign me up for this PSK, please!

Lemon Vitality


Hi! This week I am breaking down Young Livings Premium Starter Kit (PSK) into easy-to use steps. The PSK is how I started and fell in love with oils. It is such an amazing way to start your wellness journey and the best way to get started with using essential oils. If you are just starting, welcome! Search PSK and make sure you catch up on all the posts. Please reach out to me if you have any questions or want to get started!

Lemon Vitality: cold-pressed from lemon rinds, Lemon essential oil has a strong, purifying, citrus scent that is revitalizing and uplifting. It contains 68% d-limonene, a powerful antioxidant. Lemon Vitality can also be used to enhance the flavor of foods and water. Here are a few more of the many things Lemon can do:

  • two drops of Lemon Vitality oil added to your favorite lemon bar recipe heightens the freshness of the flavors.

  • combine with Peppermint Vitality and Grapefruit Vitality as support for an all-natural, healthy weight management regimen.

  • a drop or two of Lemon can help you get sticky, hard to remove items or residue off of windows and other surfaces with ease.

  • diffuse lemon to brighten mood.

  • Add a few drops of lemon to a full sink of water to clean fruit and vegetables naturally.


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