A Closer Look at Proverbs 31

Let’s take a little bit closer look at Proverbs 31, The Wife of Noble Character. I was reading it this morning and found myself saying “Yes!” and “Amen!!!” more times then I have before while reading this passage. Open your bible and read Proverbs 31: 10-31. When you’re done, come back and continue reading, let’s have a closer look together.

According to these verses, this is what an honest, loving wife is (in a glimpse, and my own words):

  • She is far more valuable than any material thing.

  • Her husband respects her and believes in her.

  • She loves her husband, bringing him good.

  • She wants to work hard at things that matter.

  • She works day and night providing food for her family.

  • She buys fields with her earnings.

  • She is strong and able.

  • She is smart.

  • She opens her home, heart and hands to the needy and hurting.

  • She takes care of her family to the best of her ability and does not fear.

  • She is clothed in purple (signifying she is royal, a Daughter of the one True King).

  • Her husband is blessed in his work.

  • She makes things with her hands and sells them.

  • She if full of joy and wisdom, not afraid of the future.

  • She protects her household.

  • Her husband and children love her deeply.

  • Her love for the Lord is radiant, making her beautiful.

As I was reading this passage, I pictured a loving mother (my loving mama, my friends who are moms, all the mother-like figures in my life) bustling around the house, cleaning up messes, stirring food on the stove, cleaning and sorting laundry, hugging their littles, opening their home to a hurting friend, coming home from work after a long day, creating clothing, creating art, creating a home with her hands. Not only does this honest, loving wife do all these things to create a beautiful home and family, she also gracefully steps into the marketplace. She creates things with her hands and sells them. She buys fields with her earnings. She purchases the best material to create things, to keep her family warm + also to sell and provide for them.

She does not sit idle. She works with her hands. She wakes up before the rest of her family.

She works hard and she is filled with joy.

I think our world is in a weird place right now (well, for many reasons) when it comes to the “role of a woman”. Everyone has their opinion of this (doesn’t mean you need to listen to them). Ultimately, what you do with your days comes down to what you feel the Lord is telling you and what you and your husband decide is best for your family.

What I felt on my heart this morning to share was I think there are some women feeling guilty that they want to do it all: be a loving wife, a mother, a homemaker, a creative, and help provide for their family financially. You don’t need my permission, sis, but look at this passage if that’s the tug of your heart. This is your permission to follow your heart and all the dreams God has given you.

A lie I fight is that I am not enough, yet I am always too much. Satan is the king of deception. That lie does not even make logical sense and most lies don’t. Do you ever feel that way? That you’re too much for people? That you’re not enough for them, either?

God created us to work hard, love the people he gave us and to not sit idle in our giftings.

Is there something you believe God has put in your heart that you’ve been scared to pursue? Is there a lie you’ve been believing that being a stay at home mama isn’t enough? Do you love working but feel guilty for loving it?

Sis, be free. Satan, in the name of Jesus we command these lies to leave. You are not welcome here, we are covered by the blood of the Lamb.

Grab God’s hand, seek His heart and run after it!

My little fam, my loving and supportive husband.

My little fam, my loving and supportive husband.

I’m a homemaker.

I’m a homemaker.

I’m a business builder.

I’m a business builder.

My loving mama.

My loving mama.

Death Is Defeated

The pain of losing someone you love never goes away. Sometimes it’s a dull pain and sometimes it feels like someone stabbed you right in the gut. But here’s the thing, DEATH HAS BEEN DEFEATED! I have been thinking about this the last few days and letting it sink deep into my soul…allowing it to seep all the way down into my bones for me to deeply believe it. My worst fear — gone.

Jesus took the worst thing that could ever happen to us and made it the BEST thing that is going to happen to us. Life after death. Heaven. Eternally with Him and with all the ones we love.

I’ve been allowing myself to day dream sitting around a huge table with Him, my brother, my grandma and grandpa….and with everyone I love right next to me. Allowing myself to daydream about what it’s going to be like in complete glory. Could you allow yourself that same freedom? Go sit at your table, close your eyes, and picture Jesus sitting right in front of you. Reaching across the table from you, gently touching your hand. Jesus looking into your eyes, the same look that someone gives you when they know you are in pain, the look that says I love you so much, sometimes without even saying a word. Picture Jesus laughing with you…he is full of JOY. Sitting in front of Him you’d feel this: completely known, completely loved, completely understood, no pain, only joy.

That’s why He came for us. He came to gave us his Holy Spirit. We can sit with Him now and share in this glory. Giving us glimpses of Heaven until He completely restores us all.

Now, here’s the deal. I don’t fully understand any of it. None of us besides God can fully comprehend it. BUT this is what we do know:

God loved us SO MUCH that he put on flesh to come down and live life the way we do. He slept on the ground, built fires, had a job, made friends, was betrayed by friends, cooked food to sustain Him…He came and fully experienced life like we do. Because that’s what love does.

When you love someone, you step into their pain with them. When you have a relationship with someone, you sit around the table with them and listen to what’s on their hearts. When you love someone, you do everything you can to step into what life looks and feels like to them.

This odd-season of not being able to gather around the table with our loved ones maybe the best opportunity to come back and sit at the table with the One who gave it all for us. Because one day, we will all be feasting around His table. Oh. What a glorious day.

“And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them saying, ‘This is my body, given for you; do this in remembrance of me.’ In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, ‘This cup is the new convent in my blood, which is poured out for you.” Luke 22:19-20

Came a Gentle Whisper

The Lord said, "Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by."

Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper.

1 Kings 19:11-12


I used to get annoyed when people told me God spoke to you in whispers. I did not understand it. I wanted Him to shout at me, light up flashing signs, make a bush light on fire! I wanted to know that I heard Him correctly before I took the next step. 

The other day I was reading Crash the Chatterbox by Steven Furtick. In one of the chapter he paints a beautiful picture of God and His whispers; our God speaking to us in a way I hadn't thought of before. What Steven said was simple and true:

"God speaks in whispers because he is so close. He doesn't have to shout."

How beautiful it is, that creator of the Universe is so close to us. He is always listening, always understanding, always filling us with His peace, if we would just be still and listen. 

Anyone can hear someone when they shout or make big flashing signs--but God is so close to His children. Just like we listen and know the voice of those we love, we should know God's voice. The still small voice, speaking inside of us...that is God.

God is all-powerful. He can shake the mountains, create and earthquake, and part the seas all with one word. Yet, he is so loving, gentle and intimate that He wants a relationship with each of us. He does not want to just tell us what to do, He wants a continual conversation and intimate relationship with us. 


Are you quieting the world enough to have a continual conversation and intimate relationship with God?